

The app is built to be cross-platform using React-Native, so it will run on Android and iOs with some minor styling differences.

The app is loaded from screens in screens. Each folder in screens corresponds to a different game: trade has information for the trade game, fiscalmonetary has the screens for the fiscal/monetary policy rocket game, flashcard has the flashcard game screens, and home has the home screen.

Each game is self-contained, so all necessary screens are in their own folders as well as any additional data (ie. JSON for the flashcard questions, gifs for the trade game).

React-Native has a lot of quirks with versioning and dependencies, so be very careful when updating any existing packages or the react-native module itself. There are some styling differences that occur as a result of scaling and how android/iOs handle fonts and specific styling properties.

There are currently no known bugs that we are working on.

The app relies on several libraries which need to be installed using the package.json. Ideally, use yarn install to manage dependencies, but npm install should work as well.

Setup and Deployment


Previous Authors



If you have any questions about the app, please contact DALI at